During vibration exercise, you might feel:
During vibration training, your body might itch partially. This is a sign of blood circulation acceleration. The itch comes from inner body which means body cells are being activated, blood flow and lymphatic metabolism have been increased. Continuously using, the symptoms would be eliminated/ gone.
The blood flow increases during vibration training, it will create an impact when it meets blockage. In the process of clearing blockage in vessels, you might feel palsy, which is a good sign. Continuous vibration training can improve this situation.
During vibration training, your neck, lower back, arms, joints or muscle might feel sore.This is caused by cumulative fatigue. Strain or tension can result in body tissue damage and decline of antibody. Soreness you feel will be improved through continuous whole body vibration training.
Pain might occur at some parts of your body during vibration training. This indicates cumulative fatigue has caused partial occlusion in your body. This situation will be more apparent for those who seldom exercise. Pain will be eliminated through continuous vibration training.